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Art Stores Online

Dick Blick
Anything that is related to art making is on this well designed site. The prices are not too bad and they offer free shipping for orders above $200. Worth a look, if only to see what is available.

Rex Art
Another one of the big supplies stores.
They charge $6 for every the first $30 worth of goods.

Island Blue

A Canadian company that tries to use the exchange rate to market to American art consumers. Be warned! The shipping costs can kill. Expect between $11-$12.50 for the first $25 worth of supplies you get. However, if you are looking for the right stuff, like wood products including stretcher bars and easels, they can be pretty reasonable. (They sell a student model Ponderosa Pine A-frame easel for $38)

Dixie Art
Extensive site for "everything airbrushing" as well as a good fine arts section. Free shipping for orders above $45 otherwise add $5 to the total cost of your items. Not the most beautiful site in the world but has great stuff!

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