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Ink Links

Writer's Tool Box
This is a nifty site for those interested in getting their work onto an internationally viewed site.

Literay Arts WebRing
They describe themselves as "a community of internet sites representing the very best in the art, craft and business of fiction, poery, essays and creative non-fictions.

Zuzu Petals
10,000 Links to literary news, submission opportunities, art news, bookstore links, literary magazines etc.

Literary Market Place
This is a great place to look up publishers, agents, trade resources and much, much, much more.

Find links to other sites, a message board, word of the day, dictionary of literary terms, writing tips, book reviews and such

The Libyrinth
This site features archives of mostly famous, dead, male writers.

Oprah's Books
Ha. Ha. Haaaa. Ha. Ha. Joe Bob Briggs says "Check it out!"

art stores online chicago artists' resources college newspapers online galleries galore get money ink links

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